8 Hacks to Green Living and Natural Beauty That Every Girl Should Know
By: Allison Waldbeser
You absolutely have to read these amazing stories about how natural and sustainable lifestyle changes improved the lives of 8 inspiring women in our new eBook "Top 8 Hacks To Natural Living That Every Girl Should Know". Though we won’t give everything away, here’s a little sneak peak of what’s to come, to get ya excited ;)
Sugar, spice, and NOT everything nice…
Ah yes. Have you heard of our frenemy called sugar? You’ve probably had an encounter (or taste) of it, and if you’re lucky enough to avoid it, then we ~praise you~. But in all seriousness, sugar is known to be the #1 cause of obesity and almost everything we consume has some percentage of it. If you want to cut down your sugar intake, read how Sarah Keys removed sugar out of her life for good!

You gotta feel it…it’s electric!
Going green can happen in many ways, even by changing the type of car you drive! Electric cars are the greenest form of vehicles and not only are you saving money by no longer filling up your gas tank, but you can charge your car with renewable energy! After reading what Sandi Schwartz has to say, it’s time to make the switch! *heart eyes*
Alright alright, we know you want more deets, but we can’t give it all away! Download our eBook now and start making some changes for yourself! We promise to provide you with some amazing inspo <3